(FILES) In this file photo taken on December 13, 2017 White House National Security Advisor HR McMaster gives a key note speech in front of the Jamestown Foundation in Washington,DC.
Russia's government on February 19, 2018 insisted there was no evidence that it meddled in the US elections, after Washington indicted 13 Russians for alleged covert efforts to sway voters."There are no indications that the Russian government could be involved in this," President Vladimir Putin's spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists.Speaking at a security conference in Munich on February 17, 2018, National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster called the evidence of Russian interference in US democratic processes "incontrovertible."
Mosca (Russia), 16 mar. (LaPresse/AFP) – Mosca potrebbe rispondere all’espulsione da parte del Regno Unito di diplomatici russi a seguito dell’avvelenamento dell’ex spia russa “in ogni momento”.
Lo rende noto il portavoce del Cremlino, Dmitry Peskov, rispondendo alla domanda se Mosca avrebbe risposto prima delle elezioni presidenziali di domenica. Una risposta di Mosca sarebbe stata “ben pensata” e potrebbe arrivare in qualsiasi momento, ha spiegato.