Coree, terminato summit: Kim Jong-un rientra al Nord

Pedestrians walk past a screen displaying live news of the Inter-Korean summit meeting between North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-In, in Tokyo on April 27, 2018. North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and the South's President Moon Jae-in shook hands on April 27 over the Military Demarcation Line that divides their countries in a gesture laden with symbolism ahead of a historic summit. / AFP PHOTO / Toshifumi KITAMURA

Seul (Corea del Sud), 27 apr. (LaPresse/AFP) – E’ terminato lo storico summit tra il leader nordcoreano Kim Jong-un e il presidente Moon Jae-in. Kim ha riattraversato il confine in auto, tornando in Corea del Nord, come mostrato in diretta tv, facendo un cenno di saluto ai suoi ospiti mentre percorreva la zona demilitarizzata.


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