Leader of the Social Democratic Party (SPD) Martin Schulz addresses a press conference at the Willy-Brandt Haus, the Social Democrats Party headquarters in Berlin, on February 13, 2018.
Schulz, brought down by a disastrous election and an ill-judged bid to become foreign minister, announced on February 13, his immediate departure as leader of the head of the SPD. / AFP PHOTO / Tobias SCHWARZ
Milano, 4 mar. (LaPresse/AFP) – “Sono felice del risultato. Può far avanzare Germania ed Europa e rafforzare l’Spd”. Lo ha dichiarato l’ex leader dei socialdemocratici, Martin Schulz, accogliendo con favore il sostegno degli iscritti alla Grosse Koalition con i conservatori di Angela Merkel.