Volkswagen, Herbert Diess nominato nuovo ceo

File photo dated 22/9/2015 of a Volkswagen badge as more than one in 10 Volkswagen customers who had their cars fixed following the diesel emissions scandal have since lost power at high speed, a law firm said. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Monday March 26, 2018. Several motorists feared for their lives after being forced to swerve across two lanes of motorway traffic when the incidents occurred, according to Slater and Gordon. See PA story TRANSPORT Volkswagen. Photo credit should read: Gareth Fuller/PA Wire

Milano, 12 apr. (LaPresse) – Il consiglio di sorveglianza di Volkswagen ha nominato Herbert Diess come nuovo ceo del gruppo. Il managar succederà a Matthias Mueller. Lo si apprende da una nota diffusa dalla stessa casa automobilistica.


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