Afghanistan, autobomba Kabul: è bambino la vittima dell’attacco, 22 feriti

Afghan security personnel arrive at a site after a car bomb targeting foreing troops in Kabul on March 2, 2018. A strong blast which rocked Kabul early on March 2 was a car bomb targeting foreign troops that killed at least one person and wounded four, the Afghan interior ministry said. "Unfortunately around 9:00 am, a car bombing took place in (the) Qabil Bay area of Kabul," ministry spokesman Najib Danish told AFP, giving the toll and adding that police are investigating. / AFP PHOTO / WAKIL KOHSAR

Kabul (Afghanistan), 2 mar. (LaPresse/AFP) – È un bambino di 12 anni il civile rimasto ucciso nell’attacco suicida di stamattina nella zona est di Kabul, in Afghanistan, e i feriti sono saliti a 22. Lo riferisce il vice portavoce del ministero dell’Interno afghano, Nasrat Rahimi.


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