Alfie, Papa: Profondamente toccato dalla sua morte

A man wipes his eyes as a colleague ties flowers to a post outside Alder Hey Children's Hospital in Liverpool, following the death of 23-month-old, Alfie Evans, who was being treated at the hospital. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Saturday April 28, 2018. The 23-month-old died at 2.30am, Kate James and Thomas Evans said on Facebook. The youngster was at the centre of a legal battle over his treatment that touched hearts around the world. See PA story DEATH Alfie. Photo credit should read: Peter Byrne/PA Wire

Città del Vaticano, 28 apr. (LaPresse) – “Sono profondamente toccato dalla morte del piccolo Alfie. Oggi prego specialmente per i suoi genitori, mentre Dio Padre lo accoglie nel suo tenero abbraccio”. Lo scrive Papa Francesco su Twitter a proposito della scomparsa del piccolo Alfie Evans.


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