Nepali rescue workers gather around the debris of an airplane that crashed near the international airport in Kathmandu on March 12, 2018.
At least 40 people were killed and 23 injured when a Bangladeshi plane crashed and burst into flames near Kathmandu airport on March 12, in the worst aviation disaster to hit Nepal in years. Officials said there were 71 people on board the US-Bangla Airlines plane from Dhaka when it crashed into a football field near the airport. / AFP PHOTO / PRAKASH MATHEMA
Milano, 11 apr. (LaPresse) – Sarebbe di almeno 181 morti il bilancio, ancora provvisorio, dell’incidente aereo avvenuto a Boufarik, trenta chilometri a sud di Algeri, dove è precipitato un velivolo militare di trasporto con a bordo centinaia di soldati. Lo scrive il sito citando fonti della protezione civile algerina.