Camere, applausi in aula per Fico da banchi M5S: deputati in piedi

Five Stars Mouvement (M5S) member Roberto Fico casts his vote in the Chamber of Deputies in Rome on March 23, 2018, during the first session after the March 4 vote. Italy's deadlocked parliament reconvenes on March 23, 2018, with a battle for the positions of speaker in each house laying the ground for a future fight over who will lead a new government.The newly-elected lower house Chamber of Deputies and upper house Senate will begin the process of electing their new speakers after parliament opens. / AFP PHOTO / Tiziana FABI

Roma, 24 mar. (LaPresse) – Scattano gli applausi dai banchi del M5S con i deputati che s’alzano in piedi per Roberto Fico presidente della Camera, all’ennesimo “Roberto Fico” pronunciato dal presidente provvisorio Roberto Giachetti.


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