TOPSHOT - Cuban President Raul Castro (L) waves next to First Vice-President Miguel Diaz-Canel (C) during a National Assembly session that will select Cuba's Council of State ahead of the naming of a new president, in Havana on April 18, 2018.
Cuban President Raul Castro steps down Thursday, passing the baton to a new generation in a transition that brings to a close the Castro brothers' six-decade grip on power. The 86-year-old has been in power since 2006, when he took over after illness sidelined his brother Fidel, who seized power in the 1959 revolution. / AFP PHOTO / STR
L’Avana (Cuba), 19 apr. (LaPresse/AFP) – Miguel Diaz-Canel é stato eletto alla presidenza di Cuba, come successore di Raul Castro. Lo hanno annunciato i media cubani. Il 57enne, unico candidato, come previsto è stato confermato dall’Assemblea nazionale con un mandato di cinque anni rinnovabile. Ha ottenuto 603 voti su 604, ovvero il 99,83%, ha riferito il portale internet ufficiale Cubadebate.