(L/R): Giorgia Meloni, President of Brothers of Italy party, Silvio Berlusconi, Leader of Italian right-wing party Forza Italia (Go Italy) and Northern League leader Matteo Salvini pose upon arrival at the Tempio di Adriano in Rome on March 1, 2018.
Silvio Berlusconi's rightwing coalition, which is on course to win the most votes in Italy's election, is holding its first and last public meeting on March 1, in an attempt to quell speculation of severe internal divisions. Berlusconi, the flamboyant 81-year-old former prime minister and head of the centre-right Forza Italia (Go Italy), and the leaders of far-right parties the League and Brothers of Italy (FdI), Matteo Salvini and Giorgia Meloni, have not once met publicly in the entire election campaign. / AFP PHOTO / Alberto PIZZOLI
ROMA – Maggioranza ancora divisa alla Camera sul Dl Covid. Lega e Fi non partecipano per la seconda volta al voto su un odg a firma di Fratelli d’Italia sull’abolizione del coprifuoco. Gli altri partiti, Pd-M5S-Leu, votano convintamente contro. L’odg è stato bocciato.