Opposition demonstrators with Armenian national flags rally to pressure Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan to resign in the center of Yerevan, Armenia, Thursday, Feb. 25, 2021. Armenia's prime minister has spoken of an attempted military coup after facing the military's General Staff demand to step down. The developments come after months of protests sparked by the nation's defeat in the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict with Azerbaijan. The monument of Armenian poet Hovhannes Tumanyan in in the background. (Hrant Khachatryan/PAN Photo via AP)
BRUXELLES – “Per il conflitto del Nagorno Karabakh l’Unione europea ha stanziato ulteriori 10 milioni di euro per sostenere le persone colpite poiché la situazione umanitaria nella regione continua a richiedere la nostra attenzione, con la pandemia Covid19 che ha aggravato ulteriormente l’impatto del conflitto”. Così su Twitter il commissario Ue per la gestione delle crisi Janez Lenarcic.