Embargoed to 1800 Tuesday March 27
File photo dated 13/11/2017 of a staff make their way around the aisles collecting items before sending them to the on-site dispatch hall to be packaged inside one of Britain's largest Amazon warehouses in Dunfermline, Fife. Government could slash £46 billion a year from the cost of public services by borrowing modern business practices from cutting-edge companies like Amazon and Netflix, a new report has claimed. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Issue date: Tuesday March 27, 2018. The gigantic potential saving amounts to more than 5% of total public sector spending and would be enough to fund over one million additional frontline workers like doctors, teachers and police officers. See PA story POLITICS Reform. Photo credit should read: Jane Barlow/PA Wire
MILANO – Torino, incidente sul lavoro al centro Amazon: operaio folgorato, ricoverato. Incidente sul lavoro al centro logistico di Amazon, a Torrazza Piemonte, in provincia di Torino. Un operaio ha riportato gravi ustioni probabilmente dopo essere stato folgorato durante un lavoro a una cabina elettrica. Sul posto sono subito intervenuti gli uomini del 118 e le squadre dei vigili del fuoco del comando di Torino che hanno messo in sicurezza l’area. E’ stato ricoverato all’ospedale Cto di Torino.