Ucraina, Kiev: “Coscrizione forzata tartari Crimea è genocidio etnico”

Russia e Ucraina, alta tensione
Policemen stopped a protester trying to set a fire to tires in front of the Russian Embassy in Kiev late on November 25, 2018, during a protest following an incident in the Black Sea off Moscow-annexed Crimea, in which three Ukrainian naval vessels were seized by a Russian border guard vessel, as the three ships were on their way through the Kerch Strait heading for the port of Mariupol. - Russia said on November 25 that it has seized three Ukrainian naval ships by force in a strait near Moscow-annexed Crimea, sparking alarm among Kiev's Western allies and raising fears of military escalation. Ukraine's navy had accused Russia of the unprecedented incident including firing on its vessels in the Kerch Strait, a narrow waterway that gives access to the Sea of Azov that is used by Ukraine and Russia. (Photo by SERGEI SUPINSKY / AFP)

ROMA – “La coscrizione di massa forzata dei tartari in Crimea è un vero genocidio etnico e un’enorme tragedia per l’intera nazione”. Lo ha scritto su Twitter Mychajlo Podoljak, consigliere del presidente ucraino Volodymyr Zelensky. “Costringere i cittadini a una guerra nelle regioni occupate non è altro che il tentativo di Mosca di ripulire il territorio da una popolazione sleale”, ha aggiunto Podoljak.



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