L’Iran offre un accordo agli Usa: più ispezioni, stop alle sanzioni

Ad avanzare l'offerta è stato il ministro degli Esteri iraniano, Mohammad Javad Zarif, in visita a New York

Nucleare, deputati iraniani bruciano bandiere Usa in parlamento
AFP PHOTO / Islamic Consultative Assembly News Agency / HO / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / Islamic Consultative Assembly News Agency" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS HANDOUT PICTURE A handout picture provided by the Iranian Parliament on May 9, 2018 shows Iranian MPs preparing to burn a US flag in the parliament in Tehran. Iran said it will hold talks with signatories to a nuclear deal after US President Donald Trump's decision to withdraw from the accord, which it branded "psychological warfare". President Hassan Rouhani also said Iran could resume uranium enrichment "without limit" in response to Trump's announcement. / AFP PHOTO / Islamic Consultative Assembly News Agency / HO / RESTRICTED TO EDITORIAL USE - MANDATORY CREDIT "AFP PHOTO / Islamic Consultative Assembly News Agency" - NO MARKETING NO ADVERTISING CAMPAIGNS - DISTRIBUTED AS A SERVICE TO CLIENTS

MILANO – L’Iran ha offerto un accordo agli Stati Uniti in cui accetterebbe formalmente e permanentemente ispezioni rafforzate sul suo programma nucleare, in cambio della revoca permanente delle sanzioni americane. Lo riporta il Guardian. Ad avanzare l’offerta è stato il ministro degli Esteri iraniano, Mohammad Javad Zarif, in visita a New York.



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