Russia, Berlino: Resterà ‘partner difficile’ dopo rielezione Putin

(FILES) This file photo taken on June 27, 2017 shows German Justice minister Heiko Maas attending a press conference in Berlin. Germany signalled on January 08, 2018 it was open to amending a controversial law combatting hate speech on online social media, as the justice minister fell victim to the rules he himself champtioned. Heiko Maas had in a 2010 tweet called Thilo Sarrazin, a politician who wrote a controversial book on Muslim immigrants, "an idiot". The post was deleted after Twitter received several complaints, fuelling a simmering row over the new regulation which critics say stifle freedom of speech. / AFP PHOTO / Tobias SCHWARZ

Bruxelles (Belgio), 19 mar. (LaPresse/AFP) – La Russia resterà un “alleato complicato” dopo la rielezione del presidente Vladimir Putin ma sarà necessaria per aiutare a risolvere i problemi internazionali. Lo ha dichiarato il ministro degli Esteri tedesco, Heiko Maas, aggiungendo che la rielezione di Putin non può essere definita una “competizione politica leale”.


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