Spia russa, May: Gb espelle 23 diplomatici Mosca

Prime Minister Theresa May, (third left, bottom) points her finger, as Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell responded to the Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond's first spring statement in the House of Commons, London, which he delivered against a slew of positive economic indicators. PRESS ASSOCIATION Photo. Picture date: Tuesday March 13, 2018. With an expected drop in borrowing, higher-than-predicted GDP growth of 1.7% for 2017 and the recent elimination of the Government's deficit on day-to-day spending, Mr Hammond is expected to tell MPs that the UK is reaping the reward for years of austerity. See PA story POLITICS Statement. Photo credit should read: PA/PA Wire

Londra (Regno Unito), 14 mar. (LaPresse/AFP) – Il Regno Unito espelle 23 diplomatici russi, dopo che Mosca ha rifiutato di dare spiegazioni sull’avvelenamento dell’ex spia russa Sergey Skripal e della figlia con un agente nervino su suolo britannico. Lo ha annunciato la prima ministra, Theresa May. Ha spiegato che i diplomatici, identificati come “ufficiali di intelligence non dichiarati”, hanno una settimana di tempo per lasciare il Paese.


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