Members of the fire brigade in green biohazard suits work to re-attach the tent over the bench where a man and a woman were found in critical condition sparking a major incident on March 4 at The Maltings shopping centre in Salisbury, southern England, on March 8, 2018 after the tent became detached.
British detectives on March 8 scrambled to find the source of the nerve agent used in the "brazen and reckless" attempted murder of a Russian former double-agent and his daughter. Sergei Skripal, 66, who moved to Britain in a 2010 spy swap, is unconscious in a critical but stable condition in hospital along with his daughter Yulia after they collapsed on a bench outside a shopping centre on Sunday.
Milano, 5 apr. (LaPresse) – La tv statale russa ha trasmesso la registrazione di una presunta telefonata tra Yulia Skripal, vittima di avvelenamento con agente nervino nel Regno Unito come il padre Sergey Skripal, e una cugina. Nella telefonata, ha riferito Bbc, la donna direbbee di stare bene: “Tutto ok. Lui si sta riposando ora, sta dormendo. La salute di tutti va bene, non ci sono cose irreparabili. Saremo dimessi presto”. L’ex spia russa Sergey Skripal e la figlia sono tuttora in ospedale a Salisbury, a seguito dell’attacco del 4 marzo scorso.